Sunday, September 2, 2007

A Work in Progress

AHHHH, the smell of burnt soybean permeates the air, which makes me acutely aware that school cafeterias have once again begun their assembly lines and school is back in session!!! (May God be praised for the availability of ketchup and salt!) This is also obvious by the increased activity in the malls. Teenagers all across the land have been busy trying to pick out new clothes to wear for the week-long fashion show known as the first week of school. No doubt, God has been almost as busy as the mall receiving petition after petition by grumbling students asking Him to free them from the bondage of teachers, principals, and various other school administrators and to rid them once and for all of the terrible oppression known as H-O-M-E-W-O-R-K! If it wasn’t for the benefit of a new social calendar, school would be a total waste of time!!!

How many of us beyond the school age years are happy to have all of that behind us? “No more teachers; no more books; no more Johnny’s dirty looks”? “Now I can get on with real life and forget all that book learning stuff!” May this never be our philosophy!

Probably the best student I ever had in my teaching years at Eastern New Mexico University was a sweet spirited older woman who finally finished her degree at the beautiful age of 72. Of the 1000+ students I had the opportunity to work with in the 16 semesters I taught at the University level, none worked harder and sought to learn more than Marie Roberson! Her routine was to tape all the lectures while also taking notes by hand. She then went home and transcribed the notes so she had the lectures word for word as they were presented. She then prepared for tests writing out lengthy answers to the study guide and spent usually about 2-3 hours taking one essay test, reciting almost word for word what was covered in the lecture. She even learned Greek and translated the entire Gospel of John when she was in her late 60’s. This is an individual who understood that there is always something new to learn!

This morning we will see how God uses this world we live in as His studio to mold us and shape us to become more of what He intends us to be. We are a work in progress! God is using our life situations to handcraft us. Do we make it hard on ourselves by kicking against the ox-goad? (Acts 26:14—an ox goad was a long stick with a pointed end used to prod an ox to keep them moving or to direct their path.) Our spiritual school is still in session and being a disciple means we are a student or learner. May we study hard through the course work of life so we do not have to cram for one FINAL EXAM! It is amazing what God can teach us and shape us to be if we will seek to continue growing! God bless you in your education! May you fully realize the benefits of a degree in spirituality and service to His kingdom!

It is Almost Here!!!

Have you invited anyone to come with you yet? September 16th will mark the beginning of a new sermon series in which we will consider who God is and what He wants from us. It will be a study that introduces God and His incredible way of dealing with mankind! I promise it will be a fresh look at the story of Genesis that will show you how real God is and how relevant His ways are for our lives. I hope you will get excited enough about this to invite someone else to come with you!

To listen to sermon, click The Studio.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greetings Scott! I really enjoy listening to you speak God's word. I've listened to the Sounds of the Ridge to get the ones I've missed. Both Jesse and I really appreciate you allowing God to use you. I hope you feel and know you and your family are welcomed at Garden Ridge. God bless you and yours :)

Peace in the Middle East,
Amber Hernandez