Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Hardening of Clay

“Wow, this is one of the biggest decisions of my life!” “Will the water be cold?” “I wonder if this blue thing will really keep me modestly covered after it is wet.” “Do I really know enough to follow through on this commitment?” “They really won’t care if I drip water all over the carpet once we get out of the baptistery?” “Hey, I wonder how they change the light bulbs way up there at the top of the auditorium.” “I bet it will feel awesome to have my sins washed away!” “Did I leave the iron on?” “Maybe I should get a puppy.” “How did they say that Holy Spirit thing worked again?”

Can you remember the nervous excitement you felt as you surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus in the waters of baptism? How many thoughts flashed across your mind as you gave yourself to one of the biggest moments and decisions of your life? It is hard to focus on one thing, isn’t it—even during something as special and important as entering into a bond of covenant with the maker of the universe? No wonder the Christian walk is sooooo difficult!!!
It may be that you are reading this article right now in the midst of communion or the sermon because your mind wandered and you were just looking for something to occupy your thoughts. It is so tough to stay on task—AND we have an enemy who exploits this weakness in order to harden us so that we will not become what the Great Sculptor desires to craft us into for His service and our benefit!

We will see in the sermon this morning that God desires to use ordinary lumps of clay like us to accomplish awesome things within His Kingdom! However, this will not happen by chance or accident.

Notice what Jesus says in the midst of explaining the parable of the sower & soils:
And others are the ones on whom seed was sown among the thorns;
These are the ones who have heard the word, and the worries of the
world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the desire for other things
enter in and choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful. (Mark 4:18-19)

We must be on our guard so the struggles and trials of this life do not chip away at the dream and plan God has for each one of us. We were created for a purpose to accomplish the good works He has prepared beforehand in Jesus that we should walk in them.
I am glad you are here this morning! I rejoice that of all the things you could give your time and energy to at this particular time, you have chosen to be with a body of fellow believers who are striving to become more of what God wants us to be. May we help each other be disciplined & focused in our thoughts and soft & moldable in our hearts so our God can handcraft us into the works of art He desires to make of each of us!

Day of Fasting & Prayer
Remember, Friday, September 7th through Saturday, September 8th is a time of Fasting & Prayer for our whole church family to participate in. Please sign up in one of the foyers for a time to come to the building to pray so we have a 24-hour vigil offered up before our God and Father. The purpose of this is to seek God’s direction for this body of Christians as we begin a new chapter in our history so we become all God desires this part of the body of Christ to be and fulfill every good work He has prepared for us to accomplish.

To listen to sermon, click Man, The Sculpture.

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