And they’ll know we are Christians by our . . . LOVE?!?!? Unfortunately, the image of Christianity in the media and beyond is often times not very positive. For instance, in the cartoon series called The Simpsons, there are characters named Ned & Maude Flanders who live next door to Homer and his family. They are born-again Christians who constantly espouse a cheerful disposition and offer platitudes of faith that are often irrelevant to the everyday living of Homer and his family. In one particular episode, Homer has not seen Maude for a while and speaks to her when he sees her in her backyard. He says, “I haven’t seen you in a couple weeks. Where have you been?” Maude replies in a cheery voice, “Oh, I’ve been away at a Bible camp—learning how to be more judgmental.” OUCH! So, this is what America finds to be humorous? Is this what people see when they gaze upon Christianity? It would not have comic value if people could not relate to its basic truth.
Jesus calls us to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world (READ Matthew 5:13-16). These are distinct qualities that should draw people to God (Did you catch the end of V. 16?) Salt can certainly induce more thirst, and light illuminates and attracts. However, how often do we carry out our mission too well? Have you ever had salt in an open wound? Have you ever had to close your eyes to the light or turn away because it was so bright it hurt?
What do people see when they look at your life? Would you say they get a clear picture of Jesus, or is the image distorted? One of the main things Jesus says demonstrates we are His disciples is our love for one another (John 13:35). Will we be a body that goes beyond mere words and puts our faith into practice by putting the love of Jesus into action? It is really not that hard if we will just make time for it. How long does it take to call up someone on the prayer list to give them some personal encouragement? Would a 20-minute visit to the hospital be difficult to fit into this next week? How about spending some time singing at the Nursing Home? Do you have a neighbor who is dealing with a loss or significant struggle? A plate of cookies and a hug sure go a long way in providing relief.
Instead of getting mad about the media portrayal of Christianity, perhaps we should change the image so the world finds no humor in it! This morning as we consider the attire of the priest and what it says about the ministry we have, may we always bathe all we do in tender, compassionate love so that men may see our good works and glorify our Father who is in heaven!
To listen to sermon click Garments of a Preist
Sunday, July 22, 2007
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