Albert Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” If his statement is accurate, how many of us fall within the parameters of this definition when it comes to our spiritual walk? We say we want to develop deeper intimacy with Jesus and for His power to work in us and through us, but is that true? Could it be that to have His power unleashed in our lives is too scary a proposition, requiring too much from us? Our spiritual lives get into a rut, but we keep hoping for better outcomes, as long as we don’t have to change anything!
I remember a time working with the campus ministry at ENMU when I became discouraged and frustrated because some of the students couldn’t seem to get their lives out of the world. They professed belief in Jesus, but they wanted to enjoy various things the world also has to offer, and couldn’t see how this was adversely affecting their witness for Jesus. (You can imagine on the campus of a State University what types of distractions were readily available for our students to struggle with.) Our ministry was not very powerful or effective that semester and I was tired from trying to provide intercession where it was not wanted or appreciated. As I began to get depressed, Deeann sent me an article based on Mark 5 that gave me some new perspective.
We encounter a story of Jesus in the region of the Gerasenes where He will heal a man possessed by a legion of demons. The description of the man is that he was able to tear apart shackles and chains and “no one was strong enough to subdue him” (V. 3-4). Well, almost no one!!! The overwhelming power of Jesus is quite clear when this demon-possessed man says to Him, “What do I have to do with you, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I implore you by God, do not torment me!” (V. 7). Jesus allows the demons to enter a herd of 2000 swine, which promptly run off a steep bank into the sea and are drowned (V. 13). This incredible display of POWER is realized by the townspeople when they hear the report from the herdsmen and come to Jesus and see the formerly demon-possessed man sitting down, clothed, and in his right mind (V. 14-15). Jesus has just restored a life!!! His power is strong enough to clean up any mess!
How do the townspeople respond to this power? The end of V. 15 tells us they were “frightened” and V. 17 informs us that they begged Jesus to leave their region! Even though what Jesus did was good, they are not sure this new power, the disruption to their lives, or the economic loss are worth having around. Thus, they ask Him to take His power and go! Perhaps, they preferred the status quo? Maybe they were afraid of what might happen if Jesus began tinkering around in their own lives? The point is we must be open to incredible measures being taken within our lives when Jesus unleashes His power and cleans them out. Perhaps, that is what we are afraid of most of all!
Are you struggling with what God is able to do through you? His power is awesome! What would you like for Him to do? Leave you in “peace”, or stay to clean up your life? The choice is yours, but the power is His, and He won’t give it to you on “your terms”. Are you sure you want it? Not everybody does!
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