Sunday, April 6, 2008

Love for One Another

The Characteristics of a Disciple:
Attribute #2: Love for One Another

It is incredible what people are capable of doing “in the name of God” in order to police His church and stand in His name! For instance, over the past two months there have been two full-page ads taken out in The Oklahoman newspaper denouncing a particular Church of Christ in Oklahoma for their decision to add a contemporary worship service in which musical instruments are employed. Now, people may not agree on the right or authority to use instrumental music during a worship service, but could we at least agree that running a full-page ad in a public forum is not the most loving way to deal with one another? (Besides the fact that each ad cost $11,000 and was sponsored by individuals who do not even live in the same town as the congregation in question.) Seriously, if your neighbor had something against you, would you want them to put up a billboard in town to advertise your offense, or just come talk to you?
What are we advertising by the way we deal with one another? Are we showing we are part of something those without hope want to be part of because of how we stand with one another and bless one another? Or, do those looking in figure they get beaten up enough by the ways of the world and have no time or energy to have to deal with it in their religion as well?

Some of the danger of living in a culture in which we emphasize our “rights” and “freedom of speech” is that we become insensitive to others because we are focused on ourselves. However, Jesus clearly called us to a different level in our relationships. John 13:34-35 states: “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” He said this in the context of just having finished washing the feet of His disciples! Imagine that—a Rabbi washing the feet of His own students. There is no place in any literature from the time of Jesus or before, except John 13, where an account of a Rabbi serving in this manner is recorded.

And how do you suppose Jesus handled the task of washing the feet of Judas, who would soon after betray Him? Apparently it was with tenderness and care, because when Jesus states that one would soon betray Him, the disciples began looking at one another at a loss to know who He was talking about (John 13:21-22).

The same is true of the cross! Do you understand that Jesus died for all the sin of the world? All the sin!!! He died for those who will never accept Him! He died for those who will try to use Him and His Father for their own gain! He paid the price for all sin, setting an example of what this new commandment of love should look like. Does this advertisement by Jesus look a little different than the one mentioned in the 1st paragraph?

Abiding in the word (the 1st attribute we looked at 2 weeks ago) sets the foundation for the disciple. Loving one another helps this first attribute of a disciple be about relationship with a living God and His creation rather than a checklist of rules and regulations. It puts the heart into our “religious” experience with God and His people. It makes following the letter of the Law more about caring for the souls of people than just being “right with God”. Besides, how can you be “right with God” if you don’t care about the souls of people?


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