Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A God Among Men!

So, God comes to the world to live among His own creation? Surely God demands respect and dignity! Yet Luke makes it a point to emphasize that Jesus was born of humble means. First, He is born to a young woman of Galilee. Galilee was not known for its wealthy citizens. In fact, the reputation of Nazareth (a city of the Galilee region and the town Mary was from) and Galilee is shown to be questionable in the Gospel of John. Nathanael questions whether any good thing can come from Nazareth in 1:46. Then, the multitude questions whether the Christ would come from Galilee in 7:41 and whether a prophet would arise from Galilee in 7:52.

Luke also shows the humble means of Joseph and Mary through the sacrifice they offer as they present Jesus to the Lord in Luke 2:22-24. Their presentation of two turtledoves is what is prescribed for those who have insufficient means to offer the required sacrifice (Leviticus 5:11 & 12:8). In addition, Luke mentions not once, not twice, but three times in chapter two that Jesus was placed in a feeding trough when He was born into this world—not quite the place one would expect to look for the Savior of the world, the Christ and the LORD (2:11).

What should we expect from a God among men? What qualities would He portray for mankind to realize He was among us? It is ironic to see the many ways He emptied Himself for the sake of mankind. Imagine the Bread of Life going hungry for 40 days to begin His ministry in the will of the Father, or the source of Living Water ending His ministry hanging on a cross and proclaiming His thirst! Imagine the One who tells us to take His yoke and He will give us rest being weary at the well in Samaria. Why would He empty Himself this way? Can you picture the One with the power to cast away the demons being accused of having a demon? How about the King of the universe willing to pay tribute to an earthly king? Does it make sense that the One who will one day wipe away all our tears wept over Lazarus? He was sold for a measly thirty pieces of silver yet He purchases for God men from every tribe, tongue and nation. He is the Good Shepherd who was willing to be led as a lamb to the slaughter. He was willing to die in order to strip away the sting of death! Are these the kind of things you would expect from a God among men?

Anyone who pictures God as harsh and vengeful, waiting for us to mess up so He can strike us down, is just not paying attention to the picture given through Jesus! What He was willing to give up for us is amazing! Consider one final picture of Jesus: He enters into Jerusalem riding on the back of a donkey and being celebrated as the King of Kings. Jesus certainly deserves the respect and dignity due this role, however, what is incredible is that Jesus is also willing to play the role of the donkey, carrying the glory of His Father upon His back as He empties Himself and serves in humility. Do you know this picture of God shown consistently through Jesus? This is what God among men is really about! A God who will empty Himself and come among mankind is exactly what we need! What a coincidence! That is the kind of God we happen to serve!

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