“Wow, this is one of the biggest decisions of my life!” “Will the water be cold?” “I wonder if this blue thing will really keep me modestly covered after it is wet.” “Do I really know enough to follow through on this commitment?” “They really won’t care if I drip water all over the carpet once we get out of the baptistery?” “Hey, I wonder how they change the light bulbs way up there at the top of the auditorium.” “I bet it will feel awesome to have my sins washed away!” “Did I leave the iron on?” “Maybe I should get a puppy.” “How did they say that Holy Spirit thing worked again?”
Can you remember the nervous excitement you felt as you surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus in the waters of baptism? How many thoughts flashed across your mind as you gave yourself to one of the biggest moments and decisions of your life? It is hard to focus on one thing, isn’t it—even during something as special and important as entering into a bond of covenant with the maker of the universe? No wonder the Christian walk is sooooo difficult!!!
It may be that you are reading this article right now in the midst of communion or the sermon because your mind wandered and you were just looking for something to occupy your thoughts. It is so tough to stay on task—AND we have an enemy who exploits this weakness in order to harden us so that we will not become what the Great Sculptor desires to craft us into for His service and our benefit!
We will see in the sermon this morning that God desires to use ordinary lumps of clay like us to accomplish awesome things within His Kingdom! However, this will not happen by chance or accident.
Notice what Jesus says in the midst of explaining the parable of the sower & soils:
And others are the ones on whom seed was sown among the thorns;
These are the ones who have heard the word, and the worries of the
world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the desire for other things
enter in and choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful. (Mark 4:18-19)
We must be on our guard so the struggles and trials of this life do not chip away at the dream and plan God has for each one of us. We were created for a purpose to accomplish the good works He has prepared beforehand in Jesus that we should walk in them.
I am glad you are here this morning! I rejoice that of all the things you could give your time and energy to at this particular time, you have chosen to be with a body of fellow believers who are striving to become more of what God wants us to be. May we help each other be disciplined & focused in our thoughts and soft & moldable in our hearts so our God can handcraft us into the works of art He desires to make of each of us!
Day of Fasting & Prayer
Remember, Friday, September 7th through Saturday, September 8th is a time of Fasting & Prayer for our whole church family to participate in. Please sign up in one of the foyers for a time to come to the building to pray so we have a 24-hour vigil offered up before our God and Father. The purpose of this is to seek God’s direction for this body of Christians as we begin a new chapter in our history so we become all God desires this part of the body of Christ to be and fulfill every good work He has prepared for us to accomplish.
To listen to sermon, click Man, The Sculpture.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Sunday, August 19, 2007
A God who is in Control!
Suppose you had it in your mind that you were going to destroy Christianity. What would you do to turn people away from following Jesus and the teachings of the Scriptures?
In 361 A.D. a new emperor took over control of the Roman Empire. He came to be known in history as Julian the Apostate because of the many things he tried to do to stop the spread of Christianity. One of his strategies was to recall several bishops who had been sent into exile because of controversial views they held (teachings of Arianism) so that they would stir up trouble within the ranks of the Church. His hope was that people would become so frustrated with the bickering going on that they would turn back to the pagan religious views that were prominent before Constantine became emperor and used Christianity to bring unity to the Roman Empire, turning it into a “Christian Empire”. Interestingly, this actually led to the final defeat of Arianism as it led many Christians to revisit their differences. It is amazing how God works, isn’t it?
Julian was not finished. He passed a law to bar Christians from being employed in the teaching profession in an attempt to make Christians dependent upon pagan schools and the curriculum that would come with this. Julian even tried to have the Temple rebuilt in an attempt to invalidate the teachings of Jesus! However, it was abandoned after a fire and earthquake halted the work from being accomplished. Coincidence? Julian only reigned 2 years as emperor before he died.
This morning we begin a short, 4-week series called “Human Clay” in which we will be looking at God as our sculptor, we as the sculpture, this world as His studio to mold us into what He desires, and finally, whether we will be the work of art He has made us to be so He can hang us in His gallery. Throughout this series it should be evident that our great Sculptor has things totally under control! He has a great plan that will not be thwarted, even though He has given His creation free will. May it never happen, but we could even go so far as to have a “Julian the Apostate” moment in which we strive to work against the will of this great Sculptor and He will continue to bring about what He desires. So, will you submit to His handcrafting in your life? Will you bring your free will in line with His intentions? “Woe to the one who quarrels with his Maker—an earthenware vessel among the vessels of earth! Will the clay say to the potter, ‘What are you doing?’ Or the thing you are making say, ‘He has no hands?’”—Isaiah 45:9
A Day of Fasting & Prayer
As we continue to strive to write a new chapter in the history of the Garden Ridge congregation, it is important to make sure we are following the direction our Father in heaven wants us to go. Friday, September 7th through Saturday, September 8th will be a day of fasting and prayer for our church family. We will be asking you, as a church family, to take part in a vigil of prayer (signing up for a specific time to come and pray here at the building and/or lifting up this body and the direction God is calling us to go throughout the 24-hour period we are setting this up for). We will also be putting out sheets of butcher paper in the foyer for you to write things you believe we should focus upon as we strive to know the will of God and obey Him. These sheets will be hung in the room of prayer (Modular 1) for those who come to pray to stir thoughts and ideas to pray for. Each week, more information will be given concerning this to help you be prepared for this very important event in our church’s life.
To listen to sermon, click The Sculptor.
In 361 A.D. a new emperor took over control of the Roman Empire. He came to be known in history as Julian the Apostate because of the many things he tried to do to stop the spread of Christianity. One of his strategies was to recall several bishops who had been sent into exile because of controversial views they held (teachings of Arianism) so that they would stir up trouble within the ranks of the Church. His hope was that people would become so frustrated with the bickering going on that they would turn back to the pagan religious views that were prominent before Constantine became emperor and used Christianity to bring unity to the Roman Empire, turning it into a “Christian Empire”. Interestingly, this actually led to the final defeat of Arianism as it led many Christians to revisit their differences. It is amazing how God works, isn’t it?
Julian was not finished. He passed a law to bar Christians from being employed in the teaching profession in an attempt to make Christians dependent upon pagan schools and the curriculum that would come with this. Julian even tried to have the Temple rebuilt in an attempt to invalidate the teachings of Jesus! However, it was abandoned after a fire and earthquake halted the work from being accomplished. Coincidence? Julian only reigned 2 years as emperor before he died.
This morning we begin a short, 4-week series called “Human Clay” in which we will be looking at God as our sculptor, we as the sculpture, this world as His studio to mold us into what He desires, and finally, whether we will be the work of art He has made us to be so He can hang us in His gallery. Throughout this series it should be evident that our great Sculptor has things totally under control! He has a great plan that will not be thwarted, even though He has given His creation free will. May it never happen, but we could even go so far as to have a “Julian the Apostate” moment in which we strive to work against the will of this great Sculptor and He will continue to bring about what He desires. So, will you submit to His handcrafting in your life? Will you bring your free will in line with His intentions? “Woe to the one who quarrels with his Maker—an earthenware vessel among the vessels of earth! Will the clay say to the potter, ‘What are you doing?’ Or the thing you are making say, ‘He has no hands?’”—Isaiah 45:9
A Day of Fasting & Prayer
As we continue to strive to write a new chapter in the history of the Garden Ridge congregation, it is important to make sure we are following the direction our Father in heaven wants us to go. Friday, September 7th through Saturday, September 8th will be a day of fasting and prayer for our church family. We will be asking you, as a church family, to take part in a vigil of prayer (signing up for a specific time to come and pray here at the building and/or lifting up this body and the direction God is calling us to go throughout the 24-hour period we are setting this up for). We will also be putting out sheets of butcher paper in the foyer for you to write things you believe we should focus upon as we strive to know the will of God and obey Him. These sheets will be hung in the room of prayer (Modular 1) for those who come to pray to stir thoughts and ideas to pray for. Each week, more information will be given concerning this to help you be prepared for this very important event in our church’s life.
To listen to sermon, click The Sculptor.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
How Big is Your Solution?
Last week we saw how the Law demonstrates the nature of God and was given to the Israelites so they would understand how to live as a holy nation. This morning in our sermon time we will see that the bottom line of God giving the Law was so we could have relationship with Him. This is really what the whole story of Scripture is about! Yet, it seems to be one of the hardest things to maintain!
The devil has all kinds of strategies he uses to work against what God desires, but probably one of his most effective is to get us so focused upon our own problems that we lose focus on anything else. It works something like this: take a book and open it somewhere in the middle and lay it across your face. What do you see? Not much more than the book, right? Now, take that same book and hold it out at arms length. What do you see? If the book represents your problem, the problem is still clearly in focus, but there is so much more one can see as well. This is called keeping things in perspective. There is a much larger picture than the struggles or trials we face, but the devil wants us to think we are alone in what we are dealing with and everything is about our problem or trial or struggle. He wants to see us discouraged so we will trust less, serve less, and live with less contentment and joy.
Revelation 5:1-4 shows a similar situation:
And I saw in the right hand of Him who sat on the throne a book written inside and on the back, sealed up with seven seals. And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, “Who is worthy to open the book and to break its seals?” And no one in heaven, or on the earth, or under the earth, was able to open the book, or to look into it. And I began to weep greatly because no one was found worthy to open the book, or to look into it;
John was caught up in the moment and so focused on the problem that he could not see the solution!
Fortunately, the passage goes on to say:
And one of the elders said to me, “Stop weeping; behold the Lion that is from the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has overcome so as to open the book and its seven seals.”
His message to John was, “Step back and take another look!” There is One who is in complete control and He will handle the situation in His own time and own way. The whole message of Revelation is to maintain hope because we have a Lord who has overcome so that we can ultimately dwell with Him for eternity! HE is seeking a relationship with US! Will we see past the schemes of the devil and realize the big picture is truly beautiful—problems and all?
To listen to sermon, click A Church Jesus can be Part of.
The devil has all kinds of strategies he uses to work against what God desires, but probably one of his most effective is to get us so focused upon our own problems that we lose focus on anything else. It works something like this: take a book and open it somewhere in the middle and lay it across your face. What do you see? Not much more than the book, right? Now, take that same book and hold it out at arms length. What do you see? If the book represents your problem, the problem is still clearly in focus, but there is so much more one can see as well. This is called keeping things in perspective. There is a much larger picture than the struggles or trials we face, but the devil wants us to think we are alone in what we are dealing with and everything is about our problem or trial or struggle. He wants to see us discouraged so we will trust less, serve less, and live with less contentment and joy.
Revelation 5:1-4 shows a similar situation:
And I saw in the right hand of Him who sat on the throne a book written inside and on the back, sealed up with seven seals. And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, “Who is worthy to open the book and to break its seals?” And no one in heaven, or on the earth, or under the earth, was able to open the book, or to look into it. And I began to weep greatly because no one was found worthy to open the book, or to look into it;
John was caught up in the moment and so focused on the problem that he could not see the solution!
Fortunately, the passage goes on to say:
And one of the elders said to me, “Stop weeping; behold the Lion that is from the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has overcome so as to open the book and its seven seals.”
His message to John was, “Step back and take another look!” There is One who is in complete control and He will handle the situation in His own time and own way. The whole message of Revelation is to maintain hope because we have a Lord who has overcome so that we can ultimately dwell with Him for eternity! HE is seeking a relationship with US! Will we see past the schemes of the devil and realize the big picture is truly beautiful—problems and all?
To listen to sermon, click A Church Jesus can be Part of.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Drawing Near to God
Has this ever happened to you? You are driving down the highway listening to your favorite station on the radio, a song comes on, and before it finishes the reception starts to go out. Static starts to overcome the music and lyrics. You really want to hear the song because it is one of your favorites, but no matter how hard you try to tune it in better, adjusting all the fine tuning knobs, it is no use—you are moving out of range. It is not that the station stopped broadcasting. It is not that your radio quit working. The trouble is that you have moved too far away from the station to get clear reception.
Our relationship with God works much the same way! He is our source of guidance, power, strength, and everything else that would help our lives become a beautiful melody of songs. However, too many times the music and lyrics are hard to hear because we have moved too far away and all people hear is static. James reminds us that when we draw near to God He will draw near to us (James 4:8). He includes through verse 10 how this will happen, and begins with cleansing our hands and purifying our hearts! In other words, he admonishes Christians to fine tune their lives by dealing with both the sin that is now in their lives (cleansing their hands) and the intentions that are in their hearts (purifying their hearts).
This morning we will consider why God gave the Israelites the Law and how it was part of their call to become a holy nation. As He sought to draw the people near to Him at Mt. Sinai, it was only going to happen if they lived according to the nature and will of the One True God! His calling for them to be a Holy Nation was so He could dwell in their midst and be near to them! It is sin that puts a separation between God and man, and only when we have made a determination to turn back and draw near to Him will we be able to receive the power that has been made available for each of us. Then our lives can truly be a beautiful song that plays without static or interruption as we travel down the highway of this life!
It Is Coming!!!
Six weeks from today (September 16th) we will begin a series of sermons that is my absolute favorite material to teach or preach. We will be looking at how God introduces Himself through the book of Genesis. This is a series meant to increase faith and empower this church family so we are better equipped to share who God is and what He desires from us as we live in a relationship of covenant with Him. Please be praying for this series and YOUR involvement in it!!! This will be a great time to invite those who do not know God so they can see how awesome and beautiful God’s plans are for our lives. It will also be a time to instruct those who already have a deep abiding faith in God as to how the Scriptures can be shared with the lost. Get excited about this! This will be a fun series to study together and a good time for growth in our spiritual walks!!!
To listen to sermon, click What is a Holy Nation?
Our relationship with God works much the same way! He is our source of guidance, power, strength, and everything else that would help our lives become a beautiful melody of songs. However, too many times the music and lyrics are hard to hear because we have moved too far away and all people hear is static. James reminds us that when we draw near to God He will draw near to us (James 4:8). He includes through verse 10 how this will happen, and begins with cleansing our hands and purifying our hearts! In other words, he admonishes Christians to fine tune their lives by dealing with both the sin that is now in their lives (cleansing their hands) and the intentions that are in their hearts (purifying their hearts).
This morning we will consider why God gave the Israelites the Law and how it was part of their call to become a holy nation. As He sought to draw the people near to Him at Mt. Sinai, it was only going to happen if they lived according to the nature and will of the One True God! His calling for them to be a Holy Nation was so He could dwell in their midst and be near to them! It is sin that puts a separation between God and man, and only when we have made a determination to turn back and draw near to Him will we be able to receive the power that has been made available for each of us. Then our lives can truly be a beautiful song that plays without static or interruption as we travel down the highway of this life!
It Is Coming!!!
Six weeks from today (September 16th) we will begin a series of sermons that is my absolute favorite material to teach or preach. We will be looking at how God introduces Himself through the book of Genesis. This is a series meant to increase faith and empower this church family so we are better equipped to share who God is and what He desires from us as we live in a relationship of covenant with Him. Please be praying for this series and YOUR involvement in it!!! This will be a great time to invite those who do not know God so they can see how awesome and beautiful God’s plans are for our lives. It will also be a time to instruct those who already have a deep abiding faith in God as to how the Scriptures can be shared with the lost. Get excited about this! This will be a fun series to study together and a good time for growth in our spiritual walks!!!
To listen to sermon, click What is a Holy Nation?
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